R&M's ControlMaster™ Anti-Sway Control System
R&M's Anti-Sway Control system allows the operator to move a load from one point to another without load swing. Learn more!
Northrop Grumman | 200 Ton Crane
Reading Crane installed this 200-ton crane, equipped with 2 R&M SXL 100-ton hoists, into a Rhoads Industries heavy manufacturing facility.
Spacemaster SX Wire Rope Hoists
R&M's Spacemaster® SX hoist represents a revolutionary new generation of exceptionally reliable electric wire rope hoists. Watch more!
Pestillo De Seguridad
El gancho de cierre gatillo de R&M es una solución para lograr un enganche de la carra más sencillo, seguro y eficiente con sus eslingas y grilletes.
R&M Materials Handling, Inc. 2016 Company Video
R&M Materials Handling has over 85 years of experience in the overhead manual, electric chain hoists and wire rope hoists industry. Our hoist products and…