Lockout - Tagout Procedure

Date 10/19/2020

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Lockout-tagout Policies and Procedures

Covered by OSHA 1910.147, lockout-tagout protects workers from hazardous energy during overhead crane repair and other machine and equipment service.

Lockout tagout caution

Lockout involves using a permanent locking device - such as a lock, cover or chain - to prevent energy sources from being turned on and potentially harming maintenance workers or other personnel

Tagout involves using a tag to warn others to keep a locked-out switch, circuit breaker or valve turned off.

Tryout In the case of electrical power, a technician, wearing National Fire Protection Association approved gear, uses a contact meter to verify that all phases dropped out. Even when the breaker is switched off, one of the contacts could be welded shut, delivering power to a crane.



Items which are normally included in the documented lockout-tagout policy:

  • Communication requirements: who to inform before using lockout-tagout.
  • When the use of lockout-tagout is permitted.
  • Identification of each of the switches, controls, valves and other energy isolating devices present at the site. The role of each device should also be explained.
  • The lockout-tagout sequences to be followed before, during and after maintenance.
  • Safety and operational considerations regarding other products on the same runway or on adjacent runways.
  • Lockout-tagout policy should be reviewed each year to make certain it is current.


R&M Materials Handling, Inc. has made every effort to make this posting complete and accurate as of the time of printing. Since products are continuously being improved, all data is subject to correction and change. The data presented here is for general information to provide an overview of capabilities of Spacemaster® SX hoists, QX® crane packages and their components. For specific applications, certified drawings, capabilities and performance data contact R&M for assistance.